**Rules and regulations will be updated on an as-needed basis, please check back regularly for the most updated version**
**Please note that by registering for this tournament, the player allows the organizer to use (not limited to) their likeness, video, audio and visual materials, royalty-free and in perpetuity.**

English – http://bit.ly/FSLMLRules
Burmese – http://bit.ly/FSLMLRulesMM
Bahasa – http://bit.ly/FSLMLRulesID
- Eligibility
- Participating players must be currently residing in Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore or Malaysia.
- Players must be female.
- Players must be above 14 years of age.
- Players under 18 years of age must have parental consent to participate.
- Players must record themselves playing during the tournament. (Refer to 3a.)
- Tournament Format
- Hosting
- The main mode of communication between admins and players is via Discord. All members of the team must join the FSL MLBB Discord server – http://bit.ly/DiscordMLBB
- The admin will create the in-game lobby. The players should follow the instructions from the admin on how to enter the lobby.
- Lobby Settings
- Coin toss (https://justflipacoin.com/) is used to determine who has pick priority. Pick priority will then alternate between the two teams for the rest of the match.
- Game mode
- The game mode will be 5v5 on Custom Game – Draft Mode
- Single Elimination
- All matches will be BO3, Grand Finals will be BO5
- Hosting
- General Rules
- PC emulators are not allowed. Players are only allowed to compete using mobile phones.
- Players must record themselves playing during the tournament. Video footage should clearly show the game and player’s face and hands. Players are required to submit said footage should there be a dispute. Disputes should be raised during or immediately after the game, before the commencement of the next game. (Refer to 5e.)
- By attending the competition participants acknowledge without limitation to comply with the rules and regulations, official announcement, and with the statements and decisions made by the referees.
- Every participant acknowledges the right for the administration to modify the rules and regulations for adjustments at any time without notice.
- Every participant has to show the needed respect towards referees and other participants. Insults and unfair or disrespectful behaviour towards anyone is not tolerated and will be punished. Disrespectful behaviour occurring during a game will result in the following:
- First warning that the team captain has to acknowledge
- Second Warning will lead to forfeiting the game
- Third Warning will lead to disqualification from the tournament
- In case of extraordinary circumstances, the referee may decide to abstain from the punishment.
- Every participant must always have the newest version of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang installed and has to check for updates in time before each match. Unless a new version comes out right before the match, patching is not a valid reason to delay it.
- New heroes are not allowed to be drafted for 2 weeks. New heroes can be drafted on the 15th day of released onwards.
- Every team accepts the official schedule of the competition and declares its ability to be available during these times.
- Every team and participant has to try to win every game at every stage of the competition. Purposefully losing for any reason is strictly forbidden.
- If requested, teams and individual are required to cooperate with interviews, reporting, video shootings and other activities planned and organized by the organizers. Teams also agree to allow the organizers to use their team logos or pictures for promotional purposes.
- Winning teams of each regional FSL will be required to do a live-stream on FSL Mobile’s Facebook page. Organizers and winning teams will work out a suitable timing for the stream.
- By registering for this tournament, the player allows the organiser to use (not limited to) their likeness, video, audio and visual materials, royalty-free and in perpetuity.
- Impersonating a player, match fixing, cheating and any actions that compromises the integrity of the match will result in the nullification of all gained points and immediate disqualification from the tournament.
- Ingame names must not be offensive, and each player has to have his official information set up. This includes submission of Game ID and/or Player ID. Every player has to be correctly marked as a member of the team.
- Only registered players are allowed to participate in the competition. Reserve players are not allowed to join other teams or participate for other teams.
- Team Rules
- Roster Size
- The minimum number of players is five, with one open position for a reserve player (optional). The maximum roster size is six. In the event of a substitution or roster change, the old or inactive player must also be removed.
- Lineup Changes
- Team members can be removed anytime as long as at least five members are left. To request a removal, the captain or manager of the team or the affected member himself has to contact an admin about it.
- A new member can only be added during the competition, if he hasn’t played a game for another team inside the competition. To request an addition, the captain or manager of the team has to provide the administration all additional information requested.
- If any data about the team needs to be changed, the captain or manager of the team can request this towards an admin at any time. If any data of a specific team member needs to be changed, the participant or his captain or manager can request this towards an admin at any time.
- Player account must be in good standing and players are not allowed to change accounts throughout the league.
- Roster Size
- In-game Rules
- Pausing
- Players can inform the referee to pause the game only when one of the following situations occur. The reason must be reported to the referee/marshall after the pause. The acceptable reasons are :
- Accidental disconnect
- Hardware or software error (e.g. device malfunction or game client problem,high latency affecting gameplay. The pause can only be considered legal if the referee/marshall in charge can confirm the high latency and instability of the network.)
- Physical disruption (e.g. damaged table and chair, disturbance from fans)
- Players can inform the referee to pause the game only when one of the following situations occur. The reason must be reported to the referee/marshall after the pause. The acceptable reasons are :
- Disconnecting
- In the case that (a) player(s) disconnect(s), the team is allowed to continue to play the match at a disadvantage. The disconnected player(s) have to rejoin the match as soon as they’re able to. Continued disconnection and rejoins is allowed no more than 3 times. After 3 rejoins the team must continue without the disconnected player.
- Match-fixing
- The definition of match fixing is when two or more players have reached an agreement, accepting any form of benefits, conducting an illegitimate match and trying to manipulate the results of the match.
- Players and/or teams found to have been match-fixing will be disqualified. Participations in future tournaments may be compromised.
- Bug & Hacks
- If any serious bugs occur, the game has to be paused immediately and the administration decides how to continue. Knowingly abusing a bug is strictly forbidden. Any team/member that is caught exploiting bugs will face disqualification of the whole team from the league.
- The usage of any third-party software that provides unfair player advantage during a match is strictly forbidden. Any team caught using these tools will be disqualified from the league.
- Disputes
- Teams have 15 minutes after the match concludes to message an admin on discord and protest the match. If a protest is not brought to the attention of the broadcast admin in the allotted time frame, it will not be considered an official protest and all match results will stay as is. Match protests must include screenshots clearly showing the results of the match/series. Teams are responsible for providing proof of match results in case of disputes.
- Remake Rules
- A match can only be restarted with prior admin approval. In a restarted game each participant must choose the same side, and heroes, as picked at the start of the original match.
- Pausing
- Schedule & Punctuality
- Every team accepts the official schedule of the competition and declares its ability to be available during these times. Failure to turn up for matches results in a forfeiture of that match.
- The official schedule of the competition will be announced on the official FSL channels and/or on the competition’s website. The teams will also be informed about it via discord. This schedule includes the time of each match which represents the start time of Game 1 of the match.
- The change of a match time is only possible under exceptional circumstances and has to be confirmed by the administration.
- If a delayed end of a previous match prohibits a match to start on schedule (due to either one of the involved teams still playing or the official broadcaster still streaming the previous match within the same tournament), the match time is changed to 5 minutes after the end of the previous match.
- Teams and players must be in the lobby 10 minutes before start to decide sides/first pick. Draft will not proceed unless all 10 players are in the lobby.
- Unexpected issues for one single player are not a valid reason to postpone matches.
- If a team is not ready to start a game in time, the following punishments will be applied by the referee:
- 5 minutes late => Loss of Pick Priority in current game
- 10 minutes late => Loss of Ban in current game
- 15 minutes late => Forfeit of current game (not the series)
- 20 minutes late => Forfeit of series
- Technical Issues
- Teams are responsible for their own technical issues, including hardware, software and/or internet issues. Matches will not be rescheduled because of technical issues and matches will be played nevertheless.
- In case of a server crash, the game will be remade with the same draft and player roster.
The event will be live-streamed on our FSL Mobile gamesFacebook Page & Twitch Channel.
VODs will be uploaded onto our Youtube channel.